On 20 December 2016: Council approves Community re-classification of 59 Owen St, Huskisson Council’s Ordinary meeting on 20 December 2016 resolved that MIN16.986 - Council Reference: 35563E (D17/3705) be adopted - reclassification to Community status. Council will consider allocation of funds in 2017/18 for preparation of a Plan of Management for 59 Owen St (i.e. wharf car park). See copy of SCC notification opposite, click to enlarge >> |
By 23 November 2016 - submissions invited on proposed re-classification of 59 OwenSt, Huskisson (car park block) to Community status.
26 October 2016 - Shoalhaven City Council - Reclassification of Land: http://www.shoalhaven.nsw.gov.au/My-Council/Media-releases/articleType/ArticleView/articleId/2139/Reclassification-of-59-Owen-Street-to-Community-Land
In accordance with Section 34 of the Local Government Act 1993 (LGA) the Council of the City of Shoalhaven (Council) hereby gives notice of a proposed resolution to reclassify Lot 2 DP571682, described as 59 Owen St Huskisson, from Operational land to Community land.
Submissions may be made in writing to the General Manager, Shoalhaven City Council, PO Box 42, Nowra NSW 2541, or by email: council@shoalhaven.nsw.gov.au by 5pm Wednesday 23 November 2016, quoting 35563E.
Enquiries may be made to Council’s Property Officer, Mary-Lou Harris on (02) 4429 3626.
26 October 2016 - Shoalhaven City Council - Reclassification of Land: http://www.shoalhaven.nsw.gov.au/My-Council/Media-releases/articleType/ArticleView/articleId/2139/Reclassification-of-59-Owen-Street-to-Community-Land
In accordance with Section 34 of the Local Government Act 1993 (LGA) the Council of the City of Shoalhaven (Council) hereby gives notice of a proposed resolution to reclassify Lot 2 DP571682, described as 59 Owen St Huskisson, from Operational land to Community land.
Submissions may be made in writing to the General Manager, Shoalhaven City Council, PO Box 42, Nowra NSW 2541, or by email: council@shoalhaven.nsw.gov.au by 5pm Wednesday 23 November 2016, quoting 35563E.
Enquiries may be made to Council’s Property Officer, Mary-Lou Harris on (02) 4429 3626.
9 Nov 2016 - Huskisson Foreshore Plan heads back to the drawing board
By: Hayley Warden, @HayleyWarden, South Coast Register: http://www.southcoastregister.com.au/story/4273908/huskisson-foreshore-plan-heads-back-to-the-drawing-board/?cs=203 Councillors have agreed to restrict development above ground level on 59 Owen Street, Huskisson at a Shoalhaven City Council Development Meeting on Monday. Councillors have recommended Council adopt the draft Huskisson Foreshore Masterplan with changes to remove the four development scenarios for 59 Owen Street and to identify priority projects to implement the Wider Town Centre Concept Plan.
“During the community consultation period, submissions and survey responses indicated a large amount of support for some of the proposed objectives including upgraded amenity and facilities at Voyager Memorial Park, improved through-block connections, activation of the foreshore, and a new activated promenade as part of Voyager Memorial Park upgrades,” Mayor Amanda Findley said. “It would have been a great shame to lose this valuable commentary from our community.”
The draft Huskisson Foreshore Masterplan was publicly exhibited for two months from 15 June to 10 August 2016 and a total of 440 submissions, 325 completed survey forms and 115 written submissions were received.
The results showed 81 per cent of all respondents identified ‘protecting the view’ as one of the two most important issues for the Huskisson foreshore precinct. “The work that was undertaken by Council staff was acknowledged and applauded due to the difficult circumstances that they had been handed to work under,” Mayor Amanda Findley said.
“This is a good result for the community. We have listened to what you have said and are acting upon the results.”.....Stefan Pajak from Huskisson was one local upset about the development. “I just love the place and I’ve been up and down the whole East Coast, I do a lot of travelling and this is the only place I have found where I want to set up my roots,” he said. “That magnificent view we have behind us would be totally spoilt with whatever they did. I’ve seen so many little towns up and down the East Coast where Council’s greed and lack of imagination and developer greed has spoilt everything. “All the nice views have gone, all you see is development".....more at link
By: Hayley Warden, @HayleyWarden, South Coast Register: http://www.southcoastregister.com.au/story/4273908/huskisson-foreshore-plan-heads-back-to-the-drawing-board/?cs=203 Councillors have agreed to restrict development above ground level on 59 Owen Street, Huskisson at a Shoalhaven City Council Development Meeting on Monday. Councillors have recommended Council adopt the draft Huskisson Foreshore Masterplan with changes to remove the four development scenarios for 59 Owen Street and to identify priority projects to implement the Wider Town Centre Concept Plan.
“During the community consultation period, submissions and survey responses indicated a large amount of support for some of the proposed objectives including upgraded amenity and facilities at Voyager Memorial Park, improved through-block connections, activation of the foreshore, and a new activated promenade as part of Voyager Memorial Park upgrades,” Mayor Amanda Findley said. “It would have been a great shame to lose this valuable commentary from our community.”
The draft Huskisson Foreshore Masterplan was publicly exhibited for two months from 15 June to 10 August 2016 and a total of 440 submissions, 325 completed survey forms and 115 written submissions were received.
The results showed 81 per cent of all respondents identified ‘protecting the view’ as one of the two most important issues for the Huskisson foreshore precinct. “The work that was undertaken by Council staff was acknowledged and applauded due to the difficult circumstances that they had been handed to work under,” Mayor Amanda Findley said.
“This is a good result for the community. We have listened to what you have said and are acting upon the results.”.....Stefan Pajak from Huskisson was one local upset about the development. “I just love the place and I’ve been up and down the whole East Coast, I do a lot of travelling and this is the only place I have found where I want to set up my roots,” he said. “That magnificent view we have behind us would be totally spoilt with whatever they did. I’ve seen so many little towns up and down the East Coast where Council’s greed and lack of imagination and developer greed has spoilt everything. “All the nice views have gone, all you see is development".....more at link
8 Nov 2016 - Husky View to Remain Untouched [SCC Development Committee, 7 Nov 2016]
Source: Radio 2ST, Shoalhaven: http://www.2st.com.au/news/shoalhaven-news/99928-husky-view-to-remain-untouched
Shoalhaven City Councillors have recommended Council adopt the draft Huskisson Foreshore Masterplan with changes to remove the four development scenarios for the controversial site at 59 Owen Street. They've agreed to amend the Shoalhaven Development Control Plan to include relevant aspects of the Urban Design Principles and Wider Town Centre Concept Plan, and to restrict development above ground level on the site. Mayor Amanda Findley says it's what the community wants.
Source: Radio 2ST, Shoalhaven: http://www.2st.com.au/news/shoalhaven-news/99928-husky-view-to-remain-untouched
Shoalhaven City Councillors have recommended Council adopt the draft Huskisson Foreshore Masterplan with changes to remove the four development scenarios for the controversial site at 59 Owen Street. They've agreed to amend the Shoalhaven Development Control Plan to include relevant aspects of the Urban Design Principles and Wider Town Centre Concept Plan, and to restrict development above ground level on the site. Mayor Amanda Findley says it's what the community wants.
7 November 2016 - Council staff report on the Foreshore Masterplan exhibition
The SCC Development Committee meets on 7 November 2016 - on the agenda is the staff report (2.1MB) on the Foreshore Masterplan exhibition, contained within the business paper on pp12-24.
The SCC Development Committee meets on 7 November 2016 - on the agenda is the staff report (2.1MB) on the Foreshore Masterplan exhibition, contained within the business paper on pp12-24.
Saturday 5 November 2016 - 11am, Huskisson foreshore car park - public meeting hosted by Auric Consortium and the RMI Group
28 October 2016 - Huskisson public meeting into multi-million development
By: Robert Crawford @RobSCRegister, South Coast Register: http://www.southcoastregister.com.au/story/4257878/developers-to-hold-public-meeting-about-huskisson-project/?cs=207 Auric Consortium and the RMI Group will hold a public meeting at Huskisson on Saturday, November 5 to outline their controversial multi-million development proposal for the area. The consortium has proposed to relocate Club Jervis Bay to the western side of Currambene Street on land owned by Shoalhaven City Council (59 Owen Street) and construct apartments on the current club site. According to developer George Anasta the project overlooking Currambene Creek and Jervis Bay has the potential to put the area on the map as a tourist destination and would secure the club and town’s future.
The meeting will be held at the Owen Street car park area from 11am. “It is an opportunity for the public to actually hear about our proposal,” Mr Anasta said. “I would also like to see the new members of council there to be able to see and hear what we have planned.... Mr Anasta said the move to make it community land was illegal, a claim rejected by council General Manager Russ Pigg...
28 October 2016 - Huskisson public meeting into multi-million development
By: Robert Crawford @RobSCRegister, South Coast Register: http://www.southcoastregister.com.au/story/4257878/developers-to-hold-public-meeting-about-huskisson-project/?cs=207 Auric Consortium and the RMI Group will hold a public meeting at Huskisson on Saturday, November 5 to outline their controversial multi-million development proposal for the area. The consortium has proposed to relocate Club Jervis Bay to the western side of Currambene Street on land owned by Shoalhaven City Council (59 Owen Street) and construct apartments on the current club site. According to developer George Anasta the project overlooking Currambene Creek and Jervis Bay has the potential to put the area on the map as a tourist destination and would secure the club and town’s future.
The meeting will be held at the Owen Street car park area from 11am. “It is an opportunity for the public to actually hear about our proposal,” Mr Anasta said. “I would also like to see the new members of council there to be able to see and hear what we have planned.... Mr Anasta said the move to make it community land was illegal, a claim rejected by council General Manager Russ Pigg...
4 October 2016 - Council converts Huskisson car park to Community status
At the first Ordinary Full Meeting of the new Shoalhaven City Council tonight, Councillors voted 9 votes to 3 to convert the 59 Owen St, Huskisson car park from Operational to Community status. This status now applies instantaneously. Under the new Community classification, the car park may not be sold or developed, but may be leased for a period of up to 5 years, an extension to which tenancy would require further regulatory (Ministerial) approval.
The Community status can still technically in future be converted back to Operational, but this would necessitate a Public Hearing, and majority community assent, which on recent Huskisson history would be very difficult to obtain.
The Huskisson Foreshore Masterplan process continues in parallel, and a Council report on the public submissions is imminent. An important consideration is that the car park provides 40 invaluable and centrally located car spaces. Many would be loath to lose these (e.g. say in favour of green space) before alternative parking becomes available. A further round of community consultation will follow from the evolution of further options under the new community classification of the land.
See also:
5 October 2016 - Shoalhaven Council to reclassify Huskisson - by Robert Crawford, @RobSCRegister, South Coast Register: http://www.southcoastregister.com.au/story/4208401/shoalhaven-council-moves-to-protect-iconic-huskisson-view/?cs=203
At the first Ordinary Full Meeting of the new Shoalhaven City Council tonight, Councillors voted 9 votes to 3 to convert the 59 Owen St, Huskisson car park from Operational to Community status. This status now applies instantaneously. Under the new Community classification, the car park may not be sold or developed, but may be leased for a period of up to 5 years, an extension to which tenancy would require further regulatory (Ministerial) approval.
The Community status can still technically in future be converted back to Operational, but this would necessitate a Public Hearing, and majority community assent, which on recent Huskisson history would be very difficult to obtain.
The Huskisson Foreshore Masterplan process continues in parallel, and a Council report on the public submissions is imminent. An important consideration is that the car park provides 40 invaluable and centrally located car spaces. Many would be loath to lose these (e.g. say in favour of green space) before alternative parking becomes available. A further round of community consultation will follow from the evolution of further options under the new community classification of the land.
See also:
5 October 2016 - Shoalhaven Council to reclassify Huskisson - by Robert Crawford, @RobSCRegister, South Coast Register: http://www.southcoastregister.com.au/story/4208401/shoalhaven-council-moves-to-protect-iconic-huskisson-view/?cs=203
30 Aug 2016 - Club Jervis Bay to move in multi-million dollar Huskisson development proposal
By Robert Crawford @RobSCRegister, South Coast Register: http://www.southcoastregister.com.au/story/4130409/multi-million-dollar-development-proposal-for-huskisson/?cs=203#slide=3 Pics above by SCR: The Auric Consortium preliminary image sketches, produced by: The Buchan Group - Project Architects
A local and Sydney-based consortium has proposed a multi-million development for Huskisson, overlooking Currambene Creek and Jervis Bay. Auric Consortium has proposed to relocate Club Jervis Bay to the western side of Currambene Street on land owned by Shoalhaven City Council and construct apartments on the current club site.
The proposal includes a new larger club built on the western side providing better views over the creek and out to Jervis Bay, while still respecting the community’s expectations to maintain a view corridor to the north from Owen Street.
A public square would be established along with pedestrian treatment of Currambene Street. The second stage involves the provision of a green public square where Currambene Street exists, with a service road to provide access to Currambene Creek foreshore and the wharf area. The third stage involves the construction of high quality residential development on the existing club site.
It is believed the proposal will bring greater employment opportunities to the town and increase trade for the local businesses. Club chief executive officer Derek Ohlston said the club was looking to reinvent itself.....more at link
By Robert Crawford @RobSCRegister, South Coast Register: http://www.southcoastregister.com.au/story/4130409/multi-million-dollar-development-proposal-for-huskisson/?cs=203#slide=3 Pics above by SCR: The Auric Consortium preliminary image sketches, produced by: The Buchan Group - Project Architects
A local and Sydney-based consortium has proposed a multi-million development for Huskisson, overlooking Currambene Creek and Jervis Bay. Auric Consortium has proposed to relocate Club Jervis Bay to the western side of Currambene Street on land owned by Shoalhaven City Council and construct apartments on the current club site.
The proposal includes a new larger club built on the western side providing better views over the creek and out to Jervis Bay, while still respecting the community’s expectations to maintain a view corridor to the north from Owen Street.
A public square would be established along with pedestrian treatment of Currambene Street. The second stage involves the provision of a green public square where Currambene Street exists, with a service road to provide access to Currambene Creek foreshore and the wharf area. The third stage involves the construction of high quality residential development on the existing club site.
It is believed the proposal will bring greater employment opportunities to the town and increase trade for the local businesses. Club chief executive officer Derek Ohlston said the club was looking to reinvent itself.....more at link
Allan Jack Cottier - Architects - Huskisson foreshore concepts (January 2015)
The above images are from a Save the Heart of Huskisson Inc presentation to Shoalhaven City Council Extraordinary General Meeting on 22 January 2015.
Save the Heart of Huskisson Inc. is an alliance of Jervis Bay Tourism, Huskisson Chamber of Commerce and Tourism and Huskisson Woollamia Community Voice.
"..SCC capacity to fund the above concept:
Shoalhaven City Council’s Debt Service Ratio is relatively low, that means there is capacity to borrow the funds without jeopardising overall financial sustainability. As of the latest published figures it’s Debt SR is 7.80% compared to a comparable Council Group average of 8.71%. The Department of Local Government considers 10% or under as ‘good’.
Unrestricted Current Ratio - The Council’s ability to satisfy all its financial obligations in the hypothetical event of a ‘wind up’ is a ratio of 2.35 (positive), is also considered ‘good’ by Department of local Government. In general SCC is one of the few Coastal urban regional Council’s that is considered to be financially sustainable by both DLG and independent assessment, reference: http://www.olg.nsw.gov.au/sites/default/files/Shoalhaven-Council-Financial-Assessment-Report.pdf.."
The above images are from a Save the Heart of Huskisson Inc presentation to Shoalhaven City Council Extraordinary General Meeting on 22 January 2015.
Save the Heart of Huskisson Inc. is an alliance of Jervis Bay Tourism, Huskisson Chamber of Commerce and Tourism and Huskisson Woollamia Community Voice.
"..SCC capacity to fund the above concept:
Shoalhaven City Council’s Debt Service Ratio is relatively low, that means there is capacity to borrow the funds without jeopardising overall financial sustainability. As of the latest published figures it’s Debt SR is 7.80% compared to a comparable Council Group average of 8.71%. The Department of Local Government considers 10% or under as ‘good’.
Unrestricted Current Ratio - The Council’s ability to satisfy all its financial obligations in the hypothetical event of a ‘wind up’ is a ratio of 2.35 (positive), is also considered ‘good’ by Department of local Government. In general SCC is one of the few Coastal urban regional Council’s that is considered to be financially sustainable by both DLG and independent assessment, reference: http://www.olg.nsw.gov.au/sites/default/files/Shoalhaven-Council-Financial-Assessment-Report.pdf.."
The General Manager, Shoalhaven City Council, PO Box 42, Nowra, 2541
Att. Mr Russ Pigg. Dear Russ, Ref: 50840E - draft Huskisson Foreshore Master Plan - HWCV submission - 10 August 2016
We have been involved in this issue leading up to and post the acquisition of 59 Owen Street Huskisson, a key component of the Plan. We have been actively involved in the Community Reference group and attended the public information sessions held in July.
We met Monday evening (8 August 2016) to discuss this submission and advise as follows:
First and foremost we totally reject Option 3 as presented - in our opinion it fails in every aspect in regards to preservation of the iconic view that drove the acquisition in the first place. We respectfully ask that this be recorded formally.
In regards to the other options in the draft, there was frankly little enthusiasm for them as tabled. Comments ranged from boring or dull through to the under selling of this truly magnificent site, and the views to Jervis Bay & Currambene Creek that it affords.
The meeting felt that development of the block into some form of amphitheatre, cascading towards the water and suitable for hosting various REVENUE GENERATING festivals and community events, would be the best means of both protecting the view and providing a commercial return which we appreciate has been clearly identified by Council as a prerequisite.
We do understand that Council is not bound to accept any of the options currently on exhibition, and it may well present other alternatives going forward. Whatever, we will continue to try and work positively with Council to achieve the best possible long term outcome.
Yours faithfully,
Garry D Kelson, Chair of HWCV
HWCV Inc., PO Box 65, Huskisson, 2540, 10 August 2016
Att. Mr Russ Pigg. Dear Russ, Ref: 50840E - draft Huskisson Foreshore Master Plan - HWCV submission - 10 August 2016
We have been involved in this issue leading up to and post the acquisition of 59 Owen Street Huskisson, a key component of the Plan. We have been actively involved in the Community Reference group and attended the public information sessions held in July.
We met Monday evening (8 August 2016) to discuss this submission and advise as follows:
First and foremost we totally reject Option 3 as presented - in our opinion it fails in every aspect in regards to preservation of the iconic view that drove the acquisition in the first place. We respectfully ask that this be recorded formally.
In regards to the other options in the draft, there was frankly little enthusiasm for them as tabled. Comments ranged from boring or dull through to the under selling of this truly magnificent site, and the views to Jervis Bay & Currambene Creek that it affords.
The meeting felt that development of the block into some form of amphitheatre, cascading towards the water and suitable for hosting various REVENUE GENERATING festivals and community events, would be the best means of both protecting the view and providing a commercial return which we appreciate has been clearly identified by Council as a prerequisite.
We do understand that Council is not bound to accept any of the options currently on exhibition, and it may well present other alternatives going forward. Whatever, we will continue to try and work positively with Council to achieve the best possible long term outcome.
Yours faithfully,
Garry D Kelson, Chair of HWCV
HWCV Inc., PO Box 65, Huskisson, 2540, 10 August 2016
August 2016 - View Analysis - by SJB Architects
Appendix E - Huskisson Foreshore Precinct - Draft Master Plan Report - Volume 02, Appendices - 24 March 2016 | Version 02
We present under, the view analysis by SJB Architects, to give people an idea of the future visual impact of the various options, as seen from various locations on Owen St. Look for the transparent white shading, indicating future building 'mass'. Click each panel to enlarge.
Appendix E - Huskisson Foreshore Precinct - Draft Master Plan Report - Volume 02, Appendices - 24 March 2016 | Version 02
We present under, the view analysis by SJB Architects, to give people an idea of the future visual impact of the various options, as seen from various locations on Owen St. Look for the transparent white shading, indicating future building 'mass'. Click each panel to enlarge.
<< opposite, July 2016 - 3D image of Option 1A, seen from the North aspect. The car park block becomes a grassed town common. Currambene St (south of Owen St) becomes a widened plaza. Click to enlarge images. Option 2 is seen under. |
22 July 2016 - 3D 'flyover' animations of draft Foreshore Masterplan options now available
Go to Council's project page: http://shoalhaven.nsw.gov.au/My-Council/Current-Projects/Huskisson-Foreshore-Masterplan , and click the required option under the 3D Model heading at the top. You''ll require Google Chrome as your browser. Warning, it's a big download of files (45MB per option). The 3D models show four different potential options for the precinct. Here is the direct link to Option 2 (45MB): http://arcg.is/2abuEnx Seen opposite is an excerpt from Council's 3D modelling of draft Option 2 >> |
19 July 2016 - latest Save the Heart of Huskisson newsletter: http://eepurl.com/b9_UvD July 2016 - SCC Online Survey: http://www.surveymonkey.com/r/HuskissonForeshoreMasterplanandDevelopmentOptions SCC Survey Questionnaire (2.3MB) - print this, and comment on the options. It's similar to the online survey, but has more background info on the first page. << click to expand the image opposite |
June 2016 - 59 Owen St, car park block options - under the draft Foreshore Masterplan
Finally, the Club would need to submit a Development Application to Council.
- Option 1a - open town common, or 'plaza'
- Option 1b - open town common, with a glass-walled kiosk / visitor centre running along Owen St
- Option 2 - Build on the western half of the block. The current Club Jervis Bay structure is moved slightly eastwards from Currambene St ** Depending on the extent of such eastward movement, this could potentially open up an equivalent width viewing corridor to the waterfront.
- Option 3 - Fully build to current DCP setbacks
Finally, the Club would need to submit a Development Application to Council.
Until Wednesday 10 August 2016 - Public Exhibition - Draft Huskisson Foreshore Masterplan and Development Options
Report - Huskisson Foreshore Precinct - Draft Master Plan: shoalhaven.nsw.gov.au/LepRegisterDocuments/Msc/287/HuskissonForeshorePrecinctDraftMasterPlanReport.pdf (22.6MB)
Appendix - Huskisson Foreshore Precinct - Draft Master Plan: http://shoalhaven.nsw.gov.au/LepRegisterDocuments/Msc/287/HuskissonForeshorePrecinctDraftMasterPlanAppendix.pdf (18.3MB)
Council project page is at: http://shoalhaven.nsw.gov.au/My-Council/Current-Projects/Huskisson-Foreshore-Masterplan - go to the top right of the page for all the relevant document links. On this page there is a link to a GIS image interactive version of the draft Masterplan - be patient, the download files are largish: http://shoalhaven.maps.arcgis.com/apps/MapSeries/index.html?appid=2603d4773a3c432daf6ec26f4fbb4bcb
Public information sessions on: Friday 8 July 2016 at the Jervis Bay Maritime Museum from 2pm to 6pm ; and the second will be on 59 Owen Street site on Saturday 9 July 2016 from 10am to 2pm (wet weather option for this session is the Jervis Bay Maritime Museum).
Please be advised that the draft Huskisson Foreshore Masterplan and associated Development Options will be publicly exhibited from Wednesday 15 June to Wednesday 10 August 2016 (inclusive) at Council’s Administrative Centre, Bridge Road, Nowra during business hours. The draft Report will also available to be viewed on Council’s website at: www.shoalhaven.nsw.gov.au/My-Council/Public-exhibition/Documents-on-exhibition
The draft Masterplan document will be available at the exhibition location and on Council’s website from [until..?] Wednesday 10 August 2016, and an interactive Masterplan website and 3D Model will be available via Council’s website in coming weeks. Council will hold a community ‘drop in’ session in Huskisson during the July school holidays, and I will notify you all as soon as I have a date locked in.
The draft Masterplan identifies four different potential options for the precinct that includes the Council owned property at 59 Owen Street, Huskisson.
Written comments on the Masterplan are invited and should be addressed to the General Manager, Shoalhaven City Council, PO Box 42, Nowra 2541 or emailed to: council@shoalhaven.nsw.gov.au before 5pm Wednesday 10 August 2016. Quote Council ref: 50840E. Alternatively, comments will be able to be made through the interactive website, which will available in the near future.
Please note that correspondence submitted to Council on this matter may be open to public inspection without notifying the correspondents. Pre-printed form letters, which have been individually signed will be considered but not formally acknowledged. All persons who lodge a submission are required to declare any relevant political, donations and/or gifts in accordance with Section 147(5) of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979.
If you have any questions, or would like any further information in this regard, please contact me on 02 4429 3596.
Michael Park, Strategic Planner, Shoalhaven City Council
02 4429 3596
Bridge Rd (PO Box 42) Nowra NSW 2541 ; Michael.Park@shoalhaven.nsw.gov.au ; www.shoalhaven.nsw.gov.au
Report - Huskisson Foreshore Precinct - Draft Master Plan: shoalhaven.nsw.gov.au/LepRegisterDocuments/Msc/287/HuskissonForeshorePrecinctDraftMasterPlanReport.pdf (22.6MB)
Appendix - Huskisson Foreshore Precinct - Draft Master Plan: http://shoalhaven.nsw.gov.au/LepRegisterDocuments/Msc/287/HuskissonForeshorePrecinctDraftMasterPlanAppendix.pdf (18.3MB)
Council project page is at: http://shoalhaven.nsw.gov.au/My-Council/Current-Projects/Huskisson-Foreshore-Masterplan - go to the top right of the page for all the relevant document links. On this page there is a link to a GIS image interactive version of the draft Masterplan - be patient, the download files are largish: http://shoalhaven.maps.arcgis.com/apps/MapSeries/index.html?appid=2603d4773a3c432daf6ec26f4fbb4bcb
Public information sessions on: Friday 8 July 2016 at the Jervis Bay Maritime Museum from 2pm to 6pm ; and the second will be on 59 Owen Street site on Saturday 9 July 2016 from 10am to 2pm (wet weather option for this session is the Jervis Bay Maritime Museum).
Please be advised that the draft Huskisson Foreshore Masterplan and associated Development Options will be publicly exhibited from Wednesday 15 June to Wednesday 10 August 2016 (inclusive) at Council’s Administrative Centre, Bridge Road, Nowra during business hours. The draft Report will also available to be viewed on Council’s website at: www.shoalhaven.nsw.gov.au/My-Council/Public-exhibition/Documents-on-exhibition
The draft Masterplan document will be available at the exhibition location and on Council’s website from [until..?] Wednesday 10 August 2016, and an interactive Masterplan website and 3D Model will be available via Council’s website in coming weeks. Council will hold a community ‘drop in’ session in Huskisson during the July school holidays, and I will notify you all as soon as I have a date locked in.
The draft Masterplan identifies four different potential options for the precinct that includes the Council owned property at 59 Owen Street, Huskisson.
Written comments on the Masterplan are invited and should be addressed to the General Manager, Shoalhaven City Council, PO Box 42, Nowra 2541 or emailed to: council@shoalhaven.nsw.gov.au before 5pm Wednesday 10 August 2016. Quote Council ref: 50840E. Alternatively, comments will be able to be made through the interactive website, which will available in the near future.
Please note that correspondence submitted to Council on this matter may be open to public inspection without notifying the correspondents. Pre-printed form letters, which have been individually signed will be considered but not formally acknowledged. All persons who lodge a submission are required to declare any relevant political, donations and/or gifts in accordance with Section 147(5) of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979.
If you have any questions, or would like any further information in this regard, please contact me on 02 4429 3596.
Michael Park, Strategic Planner, Shoalhaven City Council
02 4429 3596
Bridge Rd (PO Box 42) Nowra NSW 2541 ; Michael.Park@shoalhaven.nsw.gov.au ; www.shoalhaven.nsw.gov.au
22 June 2016 - Save the Heart of Huskisson - 2016 AGM
Save the Heart of Huskisson, Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/heartofhuskisson
Report from HoH Vice-President Kate Broadhurst:
Great AGM and public meeting last night [22 June 2016] with a good turn out. Congratulations to Belinda Bunter who will be the new President. Heart of Huskisson Inc. has come out of its 'warehouse' and we will be communicating here regularly. Please share our posts and tell your friends and colleagues - especially non-Facebook people.
We urge everyone to share the information about this public consultation period far and wide, make yourself well informed by reading both the report AND the appendix documents (see link below) and attend the public consultation information sessions to be held in Huskisson: The first PUBLIC session is on Friday 8 July 2016 at the Jervis Bay Maritime Museum from 2pm to 6pm, and the second will be on 59 Owen Street site on Saturday 9 July 2016 from 10am to 2pm (wet weather option for this session is the Jervis Bay Maritime Museum).
The draft Masterplan document is available at Council in Nowra and on Council’s website until Wednesday 10 August 2016, and an interactive Masterplan website and 3D Model will be available via Council’s website soon. Council project page is at: http://shoalhaven.nsw.gov.au/My-Council/Current-Projects/Huskisson-Foreshore-Masterplan - go to the top right of the page for all the relevant document links.
Save the Heart of Huskisson, Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/heartofhuskisson
Report from HoH Vice-President Kate Broadhurst:
Great AGM and public meeting last night [22 June 2016] with a good turn out. Congratulations to Belinda Bunter who will be the new President. Heart of Huskisson Inc. has come out of its 'warehouse' and we will be communicating here regularly. Please share our posts and tell your friends and colleagues - especially non-Facebook people.
We urge everyone to share the information about this public consultation period far and wide, make yourself well informed by reading both the report AND the appendix documents (see link below) and attend the public consultation information sessions to be held in Huskisson: The first PUBLIC session is on Friday 8 July 2016 at the Jervis Bay Maritime Museum from 2pm to 6pm, and the second will be on 59 Owen Street site on Saturday 9 July 2016 from 10am to 2pm (wet weather option for this session is the Jervis Bay Maritime Museum).
The draft Masterplan document is available at Council in Nowra and on Council’s website until Wednesday 10 August 2016, and an interactive Masterplan website and 3D Model will be available via Council’s website soon. Council project page is at: http://shoalhaven.nsw.gov.au/My-Council/Current-Projects/Huskisson-Foreshore-Masterplan - go to the top right of the page for all the relevant document links.
29 April 2016 - Dear HWCV,
please be advised that a report will be going to the [SCC] Development Committee Meeting on Tuesday 3 May 2016 to discuss the proposed public exhibition of the Huskisson Foreshore Masterplan and Development Concepts. The report is here (660kb - go to document page 27)
The meeting will commence at 4.00pm in the Council Chambers at the Nowra Administration Building. If you would like to make a deputation you will need to register with Council’s Governance Unit by calling 4429 3361 before 4.00pm on Monday 2 May 2016.
Kind regards,
Jessica Volkanovski, Strategic Planner, Shoalhaven City Council
02 4429 3477
Bridge Rd (PO Box 42) Nowra NSW 2541 ; Jessica.Volkanovski@shoalhaven.nsw.gov.au ; www.shoalhaven.nsw.gov.au
please be advised that a report will be going to the [SCC] Development Committee Meeting on Tuesday 3 May 2016 to discuss the proposed public exhibition of the Huskisson Foreshore Masterplan and Development Concepts. The report is here (660kb - go to document page 27)
The meeting will commence at 4.00pm in the Council Chambers at the Nowra Administration Building. If you would like to make a deputation you will need to register with Council’s Governance Unit by calling 4429 3361 before 4.00pm on Monday 2 May 2016.
Kind regards,
Jessica Volkanovski, Strategic Planner, Shoalhaven City Council
02 4429 3477
Bridge Rd (PO Box 42) Nowra NSW 2541 ; Jessica.Volkanovski@shoalhaven.nsw.gov.au ; www.shoalhaven.nsw.gov.au
2 Feb 2016 - Dear CRG members the next CRG meeting for the Huskisson Foreshore Masterplan and Development Concepts has been scheduled for Thursday 11 February at 5.30pm.
The meeting will be held at the Nowra Administration Building on Level 1 Training Rooms. Please enter from the southern entrance where you will be directed into the rooms. In this meeting, the project consultants (SJB Urban) will be returning to present an overview of the detailed options for the site using 3D models and illustrative visualisations. |
The presentation will also include an assessment of each of the options against the 10 design principles which were developed last year. Please advise of your attendance at your earliest convenience.
Thanks Michael Park, Strategic Planner Shoalhaven City Council 02 4429 3596 parkm@shoalhaven.nsw.gov.au www.shoalhaven.nsw.gov.au |
On 30-31 October 2015 - Community Workshops - four community table groups modeled the future precinct with play dough mock-up miniatures.
After this, the consultants SJB Architects live-modeled their blend of all four table group outcomes. Below, we reproduce the four group outcomes and the SJB combined model. On 7 December 2015, there will be a Councillor briefing by the consultant, followed by a (final) Community Reference Group workshop at 5:30pm. After this, the consultants will go away and prepare a draft precinct plan for public exhibition. We encourage the community to let us know your feelings on the current alternatives as below.
Further detail: go to the SCC project page at: http://shoalhaven.nsw.gov.au/My-Council/Current-Projects/Huskisson-Foreshore-Masterplan , and click on the link: Enquiry by Design Workshop 2 (30MB)
After this, the consultants SJB Architects live-modeled their blend of all four table group outcomes. Below, we reproduce the four group outcomes and the SJB combined model. On 7 December 2015, there will be a Councillor briefing by the consultant, followed by a (final) Community Reference Group workshop at 5:30pm. After this, the consultants will go away and prepare a draft precinct plan for public exhibition. We encourage the community to let us know your feelings on the current alternatives as below.
Further detail: go to the SCC project page at: http://shoalhaven.nsw.gov.au/My-Council/Current-Projects/Huskisson-Foreshore-Masterplan , and click on the link: Enquiry by Design Workshop 2 (30MB)
From: Michael Park
Sent: Wednesday, November 18, 2015 Subject: Huskisson Foreshore Masterplan Dear CRG Members: Thank you to everyone who attended the workshops at the end of October. The feedback from the workshops has been really positive and the consultants were really happy with the information and feedback they received. We are in the process of uploading the presentations from the enquiry by design workshops onto the project page on Council’s website. The information should be available by this afternoon, and can be found at the link below. http://shoalhaven.nsw.gov.au/My-Council/Current-Projects/Huskisson-Foreshore-Masterplan The next CRG workshop will be held on Monday 7 December at 5.30pm at the Reception Room in Council’s administrative centre on Bridge Road in Nowra. The workshop will be held immediately after a Councillor briefing, so unfortunately, we were unable to hold the workshop out in Huskisson. |
I will send out the formal invites when we have them. This workshop will be the last workshop before the draft masterplan is completed. It will give the Consultants an opportunity to present the formalised options for the site and receive any feedback before finalising a draft masterplan for the precinct. Thanks again to everyone for attending the workshops to date. If you have any questions or would like any further information, please let me know. Regards Michael Park Strategic Planner Shoalhaven City Council 02 4429 3596 Bridge Rd (PO Box 42) Nowra NSW 2541 parkm@shoalhaven.nsw.gov.au www.shoalhaven.nsw.gov.au |
Update 10 November 2015 -
Several Community Reference Group (CRG) and two whole-of-community workshops were held during September and October 2015. Some 50 community members altogether were involved, with a studiously representative cross section of stakeholders invited. This week, Shoalhaven City Council are conducting geotechnical investigations on the wharf car park, which will be temporarily closed during Wed 11 to Fri 13 November 2015. |
During December 2015 or January 2016 (TBA), we expect the consultants, SJB Architects, to come back to the CRG and Council with some 3-D modelled alternative plans for the foreshore precinct. Shortly thereafter, in early 2016, we expect a public exhibition of a draft plan for the foreshore precinct. See also the Save The Heart of Huskisson Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/heartofhuskisson |
14 July 2015 -
Husky Residents Can Shape Their Foreshore Design
Source: Radio 2ST Nowra: http://www.2st.com.au/news/shoalhaven-news/85222-husky-residents-can-shape-their-foreshore-design
Shoalhaven City Council is calling for Expressions of Interest from local interest groups or residents to take part in a Community Reference Group tasked with helping shape options for the future use of Council owned land in Owen Street, Huskisson [former Club Jervis Bay car park].
The specially formed group will also help with the preparation of a Master Plan for the Huskisson Foreshore. Mayor Joanna Gash says the Master Planning exercise will allow the site to be fully integrated and complementary to the future potential on the adjoining Jervis Bay Club and Huskisson hotel sites as well as the adjacent wharves and foreshore areas. The temporary car park currently being developed on the block will be completed by the end of the month and council is reviewing quotes for a specialist urban design consultant to run the project in the coming weeks.
Expressions of Interest should be received in writing by 5pm Friday 31 July to council@shoalhaven.nsw.gov.au or by posting to PO Box 42, Nowra. For full details, please visit www.shoalhaven.nsw.gov.au
Husky Residents Can Shape Their Foreshore Design
Source: Radio 2ST Nowra: http://www.2st.com.au/news/shoalhaven-news/85222-husky-residents-can-shape-their-foreshore-design
Shoalhaven City Council is calling for Expressions of Interest from local interest groups or residents to take part in a Community Reference Group tasked with helping shape options for the future use of Council owned land in Owen Street, Huskisson [former Club Jervis Bay car park].
The specially formed group will also help with the preparation of a Master Plan for the Huskisson Foreshore. Mayor Joanna Gash says the Master Planning exercise will allow the site to be fully integrated and complementary to the future potential on the adjoining Jervis Bay Club and Huskisson hotel sites as well as the adjacent wharves and foreshore areas. The temporary car park currently being developed on the block will be completed by the end of the month and council is reviewing quotes for a specialist urban design consultant to run the project in the coming weeks.
Expressions of Interest should be received in writing by 5pm Friday 31 July to council@shoalhaven.nsw.gov.au or by posting to PO Box 42, Nowra. For full details, please visit www.shoalhaven.nsw.gov.au