At the Voice meeting on Monday 11 November 2019, the results and report from the consultation was endorsed.
Note however, the vision, is currently undergoing a revision ... an update on that will be given when available.
Click here for the report: Community Consultation 2019: Huskisson Woollamia Speaks
At the Voice meeting on Monday 11 November 2019, the results and report from the consultation was endorsed.
Note however, the vision, is currently undergoing a revision ... an update on that will be given when available.
Click here for the report: Community Consultation 2019: Huskisson Woollamia Speaks
A public meeting to discuss community feedback and where to from here will be held
Wednesday, 25th Sept. starting 7pm, Huskisson Community Centre.
Earlier in the year you told us what you would like improved, and what you would like continued.
We have tried to put the essence of what you have told us in one statement:
Huskisson Woollamia community
envisages a future that recognises and values the built, natural and cultural heritage of the local area, and wants future growth and planning to be sustainable, appropriate and environmentally sensitive.
Let's get together and discuss this. Where do we go from here? Is there a project we can tackle?
Please feel free to pass this invitation on to other Huskisson Woollamia community members, or your networks.
More details
A public meeting to discuss community feedback and where to from here will be held
Wednesday, 25th Sept. starting 7pm, Huskisson Community Centre.
Earlier in the year you told us what you would like improved, and what you would like continued.
We have tried to put the essence of what you have told us in one statement:
Huskisson Woollamia community
envisages a future that recognises and values the built, natural and cultural heritage of the local area, and wants future growth and planning to be sustainable, appropriate and environmentally sensitive.
Let's get together and discuss this. Where do we go from here? Is there a project we can tackle?
Please feel free to pass this invitation on to other Huskisson Woollamia community members, or your networks.
More details
Brief results
A brief summary of the results of talking with the Huskisson and Woollamia communities is presented below. In September 2019 there will be a meeting to talk through the results, and decide the next steps in how we can create the vision that the community has asked for. The below graph is a count of the votes on the Community Speaks Day. The visions that people were voting for arose from the first part of the consultation and a summary of these can be found here:
Summary vision statements
A brief summary of the results of talking with the Huskisson and Woollamia communities is presented below. In September 2019 there will be a meeting to talk through the results, and decide the next steps in how we can create the vision that the community has asked for. The below graph is a count of the votes on the Community Speaks Day. The visions that people were voting for arose from the first part of the consultation and a summary of these can be found here:
Summary vision statements

Huskisson Woollamia Community Speaks - 26 May 2019
Have your say!
Thank you to everyone's contribution of ideas, thoughts, and suggestions that were collected earlier in the year! Now we want to find out which of these is the most important to the community, and do a 'cross check'.
Take part in the Huskisson Woollamia Community Speaks for a fun day, to fund raise for the Huskisson School and to vote on the issues that are important to you for the future of Huskisson Woollamia.
The event, organised by the Huskisson Woollamia Community Voice, will be held for residents of the area and visitors. The day comes about as the final stage in the group’s collection of views and ideas from the community to pass on to Council. It is an opportunity for young and old to gather and play and share their information. The Huskisson Public School will be fund raising for the school through their sausage sizzle, scones and cream, and face painting.
The most valuable resources every resident will bring is their experiences, views and opinions.
The event will start at 11.30, and finish at 3.00pm.
Best dressed dog - parade and judging at 12.30
Best hat - parade and judging at 12.30
Raised Voices Choir - 1.00pm
Prizes - 1.15
Dog Wash, will be on site.
Sunrizer massage offering free head and neck massages.
Activities for young and old:
Fire target practise
Thong throwing
Face painting
Sausage sizzle
Cold drinks
Scones and jam
Hot drinks
Community Information tables / trailer:
Jervis Bay Marine Parks
Rural Fire Service
Jervis Bay Marine Rescue
Jervis Bay Mussel Farm
SeeChange and Jervis Bay Arts
Shoalhaven Transition - information on sustainability
Save Husky Church
Have your say!
Thank you to everyone's contribution of ideas, thoughts, and suggestions that were collected earlier in the year! Now we want to find out which of these is the most important to the community, and do a 'cross check'.
Take part in the Huskisson Woollamia Community Speaks for a fun day, to fund raise for the Huskisson School and to vote on the issues that are important to you for the future of Huskisson Woollamia.
The event, organised by the Huskisson Woollamia Community Voice, will be held for residents of the area and visitors. The day comes about as the final stage in the group’s collection of views and ideas from the community to pass on to Council. It is an opportunity for young and old to gather and play and share their information. The Huskisson Public School will be fund raising for the school through their sausage sizzle, scones and cream, and face painting.
The most valuable resources every resident will bring is their experiences, views and opinions.
The event will start at 11.30, and finish at 3.00pm.
Best dressed dog - parade and judging at 12.30
Best hat - parade and judging at 12.30
Raised Voices Choir - 1.00pm
Prizes - 1.15
Dog Wash, will be on site.
Sunrizer massage offering free head and neck massages.
Activities for young and old:
Fire target practise
Thong throwing
Face painting
Sausage sizzle
Cold drinks
Scones and jam
Hot drinks
Community Information tables / trailer:
Jervis Bay Marine Parks
Rural Fire Service
Jervis Bay Marine Rescue
Jervis Bay Mussel Farm
SeeChange and Jervis Bay Arts
Shoalhaven Transition - information on sustainability
Save Husky Church
Huskisson and Woollamia Community SpeaksFebruary 2019 - Our villages are changing and we have a new future awaiting us.
Huskisson Woollamia Community Voice wants to hear what residents’ value about Huskisson and Woollamia, what improvements we want, and what legacy we want to protect for future generations. The Huskisson Woollamia Community Voice will use this information to communicate and deal with the Shoalhaven City Council. In March we will be setting up a table on the main street in Huskisson and we’d like you to come up and tell us your thoughts. Alternatively you can write your thoughts down on the back of this flyer and drop in the letter box at 1 Berry St, Huskisson. Later we will organise a space where you can add thoughts and comment on other ideas. The most valuable resources every resident will bring are their experiences, views and opinions. What do you hope will be here for the next generations? We would love to hear your views. You can either chat to us at our ‘storytelling table’ which will be set up in the Husky main street over March 2019, OR write your responses to the questions on the back of the flyer that was put in your letter box, and drop it in the letter box at 1 Berry St, Huskisson, OR phone or email us. |
The process
Community ideas and thoughts will be collected over two phases:
Phase 1 – we are asking for your general thoughts on what is important in Huskisson and Woollamia, what should change, and what isn’t important. You can provide your thoughts either by calling in to our 'story table' which will be set up on Owen St, most Wednesday and Saturday mornings in March. Or write your thoughts on the back of the flyer which was put in your letter box, and then drop this in to the letter box for 1 Berry St, Huskisson. Phase 2 – the information from Phase 1 will be sorted and summarised. We'd then like people to look at other people's thoughts and ideas (all will be anonymous), and add to them with additional information / agreement / disagreement. This phase will be undertaken as a face to face session(s) AND online. We'd love people to input into both Phase 1 and 2, OR just one phase if that is all you can do. Information collected will not be sent on to any other person, group or agency, and all contributions will be confidential. We can be contacted at:
Email: hwcvcommunityspeaks@gmail.com Phone: 0490 681 000 February 2019 |