22 August 2018 - New pedestrian bridge at Moona Moona Creek unveiled
By Madeline Crittenden, South Coast Register: https://www.southcoastregister.com.au/story/5601080/community-over-the-moona-moona-with-new-bridge/?cs=203 After much anticipation, the shared pedestrian bridge over Moona Moona Creek has officially been opened. The $1 million bridge is a key point in the popular Road the Bay Walk (RTBW), and was officially opened on Wednesday, August 22. South Coast MP Shelley Hancock, Shoalhaven mayor Amanda Findley and several community members cut the ribbon on the new bridge with excitement. |
“This is a fantastic day for the local community who will now be able to use the bridge to safely cross the creek dividing Huskisson from Vincentia,” Mrs Hancock said. “I am thrilled that I was able to secure the full amount of funding to construct the bridge and deliver it for use by the community in just one year instead of three.” Ms Hancock said the improvement would support the preservation of the natural environment while also encouraging tourism. “These improvements will not only improve the safety of pedestrians and cyclists but increase tourism in the area and protection of the environment that forms the natural platform and experience of the RTBW,” she said. |
OUR NEW CYCLE / PATHWAY - By Paul Patten, Vincentia, August 2018
Across the water at Moona Moona Creek, we have a new cycle/pathway, we all can share,
It took only a few weeks to build, and all the credit goes to our Local Member and Mayor.
You can glance down into the water, that looks so clear and deep,
Now the pedestrians can walk over it too , and not be squeezed in like sheep.
For this new bridge over Moona Moona Creek crossing, we have waited a very long time
A figure of a million dollars was spent, and it is worth every dime.
You can come down to Huskisson to explore the beauty of our southern coast,
It has this new icon of which we all now proudly boast.
When you cross this modern pathway, it is a pleasure, that we all should hold so dear,
It is a man made structure that fits in well, with the scenic atmosphere.
We can thank the volunteers who works so hard, for what we celebrate today.
It is a jewel in the crown for the people of the Shoalhaven, having this brand new cycle/pathway.
By Paul Patten, Vincentia, August 2018
Across the water at Moona Moona Creek, we have a new cycle/pathway, we all can share,
It took only a few weeks to build, and all the credit goes to our Local Member and Mayor.
You can glance down into the water, that looks so clear and deep,
Now the pedestrians can walk over it too , and not be squeezed in like sheep.
For this new bridge over Moona Moona Creek crossing, we have waited a very long time
A figure of a million dollars was spent, and it is worth every dime.
You can come down to Huskisson to explore the beauty of our southern coast,
It has this new icon of which we all now proudly boast.
When you cross this modern pathway, it is a pleasure, that we all should hold so dear,
It is a man made structure that fits in well, with the scenic atmosphere.
We can thank the volunteers who works so hard, for what we celebrate today.
It is a jewel in the crown for the people of the Shoalhaven, having this brand new cycle/pathway.
By Paul Patten, Vincentia, August 2018
3 March 2018 - Moona Moona Creek Shared User Path Bridge Huskisson /Vincentia - Project Update & Extended Hours Request
Hi all. The project has commenced with works on the sea wall extension underway based on the tide movements. The piles and bridge beams are being manufactured off site at present, and it is planned to start the installation of the piles in about three weeks. The construction timeframe at present is for an expected completion late July 2018. To accelerate the works program the contractor has requested that extended working hours, including weekends, be approved for the project. Given the tight timeframes set down for the grant funding, the impact of the works and traffic controls on the communities, Council will consider any reasonable methods for reducing the time until completion, subject to support from the community. Approval has been given for works to be undertaken in accordance with the recommended standard hours set down in the Department of Environment & Climate Change Interim Construction Noise Guideline (Monday to Friday – 7am to 6pm, Saturday – 8am to 1pm), on the basis that the contractor will minimise truck and machinery operations and only light works will take place. The additional hours requested by the contractor are to broaden Saturday from 7am to 5pm, and add 8am to 4pm Sunday. For the times outside the recommended hours as already approved, general community support is required. In this regard, comments on the proposal are requested by 15 May 2018. Provided general support is indicated, further extension of the hours may be considered. Note also that a letterbox drop will be undertaken to advise the residents of units adjoining the work site, as well as advertising on Council’s website and in the relevant papers. Any comments you have are most welcome, either by email or contact me on (02) 4429 3409. Regards. Steve Barry Project Manager, Shoalhaven City Council 02 4429 3409 Bridge Rd (PO Box 42) Nowra NSW 2541 steve.barry@shoalhaven.nsw.gov.au ; www.shoalhaven.nsw.gov.au 22 August 2017 - Improvements on the way for Bay and Basin area Source: Radio 2ST, Nowra, Shoalhaven News:
https://www.2st.com.au/news/shoalhaven-news/113323-improvements-on-the-way-for-bay-and-basin-area The State Transport Minister [Hon Andrew Constance] has paid a visit to the Shoalhaven to inspect plans for the new Round the Bay Walk as well as the site of a new pedestrian bridge over Moona Moona Creek. $1.9 Million in funding is going towards the project which will improve cycle-ways and pathways. South Coast MP Hon Shelley Hancock says it will be a massive hand up for Shoalhaven City Council. “For many years the Vincentia and Huskisson communities have lobbied for the completion of the Round the Bay Walk and soon the project will become a reality”, Mrs Hancock said. “Jervis Bay is the jewel of the South Coast and once the shared pathway is completed everyone from tourists to locals will be able to safely enjoy the beauty of the bay in its entirety", she said. “The biggest win for the community is the allocation of $1.5 million to see the construction of a separate shared user pedestrian bridge across Moona Moona Creek, to be located on the eastern side of the old bridge". The current bridge is a squeeze point and safety issue with cyclists and pedestrians unable to cross at the same time. |
Bridge works update - 22 June 2018
Hi all. The project has been progressing well despite the recent weather. Attached are some photographs of the current stage of the works for those who haven’t been able to visit the site. Over the coming weeks:
Thank you for your patience while this project has been undertaken. Regards. Steve Barry Project Manager, Shoalhaven City Council Tel: 02 4429 3409 Bridge Rd (PO Box 42) Nowra NSW 2541 steve.barry@shoalhaven.nsw.gov.au ; www.shoalhaven.nsw.gov.au 21 August 2017 - Moona Moona Ck bridge
A large group of Huskisson and Vincentia residents met with NSW Transport Minister Andrew Constance, South Coast MP Shelley Hancock, and Director SCC Assets & Works Ben Stewart. We were really pleased with their support in getting the long hoped-for pedestrian bridge project moving! This bridge is part of the Round the [Jervis] Bay Walk. It carries large volumes of bicycle and foot traffic along a very narrow (~1m) width. It also carries mobility scooters, wheelchairs, prams, triathlon runners and tourism visitors. The community is very grateful to Minister Constance and MP Shelley Hancock for making $1.5 million available to fund this project in 2017-18. |